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Who we are

Serve India Mission(SIM) is a movement of God born to serve Jesus Christ, His Church and His peoples in this millennium


SIM is a partnership of Christian Indians irrespective of their race, language, color, culture, style of worship, form of Church management and denominational affiliation.


SIM strongly believes that the Church is God’s chosen instrument to execute the Great Commission of the Lord.


Therefore, SIM wants to motivate, equip and mobilise keenly committed Christian lay potentials of the Church for a concerted action, directly and indirectly, with the full co-operation of all Churches in India. 


SIM hopes to promote freedom and change, joy and peace, truth and love, justice and integrity in the lives of people from all walks of life by presenting Jesus Christ who is the source of all good and perfect gifts. 


SIM wants to make use of all available media to achieve her objective to promote the cause of Christ and His mission because a multicultural India needs a multimedia approach to mission.


SIM concurs that reaching all nations is a formidable task but at the same time its an awesome responsibility too. And the fulfillment of this vision requires sold out people investing their lives, their time, talent,their technical know-how and treasure.


SIM acknowledges with deep respect  the great investment of life and resources put together by the Missionaries of yester-years to present the Gospel in India. And now SIM feels it as her obligation to tread on their path of love and sacrifice.


SIM needs you and your personal involvement, fervent prayers and your liberal and faithful support. 


You can join us as we joyfully serve the Lord for the dawning of His Kingdom in the lives of millions of fellow Bharathiyas. Promote this vision. Connect like-minded Christian Indians with us so that we could together make an impact in our own Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and in the regions beyond simultaneously. 


Yes! We can together Joyfully serve Indians across the globe...



David Kingsley

Founder & CEO

An itinerant Speaker, Preacher, Writer, Composer and

Missions consultant.

Count Me In!

Do you have a heart for Missions?Become a Rajsevak!!

Thank you for connecting with us!!

Serve India Mission

 Calling the Church back to God

& His Word is our axiom!


Tel: 91-44-2819-1929


99, Egmore High Road,  


Chennai - 600 008


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