Serve India Mission
SIM would love to see Indian Churches experience the unusual visitation of God for a HolySpirit sent revival and a break through by:
Calling the Church back to God and His Word.
Inviting every Christian Indian to experience and enjoy the transforming friendship with Jesus Christ.
Enabling the believers to pray effectively for the revival of Churches and reaching “all nations”.
Providing relevant tools and resources that will teach and train them in discipleship dynamics.
Challenging them to be grounded in God’s Word,to have fellowship with God’s children, to be actively involved in the task of bringing revival in their own local Churches.
Encouraging them to know the roots of their historic faith and the history of their own local Church.
Motivating and Equipping the potentials of existing local churches to reach out their Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and multiply (liberating the Laity).
God wants His own men and women at strategic positions both in private and public domain as silent ‘Task Force’ of God (Rajsevaks) to influence people, government and the society at various levels, like Joseph, Esther and Daniel.
Efforts should therefore be made to reach key position in the Government, Universities, Law-Courts,the World of Business, Sports, the Field of Journalism, the Defense sector, Art, Literature, Science and Research etc.,
Christian young men and women of integrity and dignity must stand there as vibrant witnesses for Jesus Christ. With Christian boldness they should check the invasion of corruption, moral bankruptcy, injustice and violence and many such evils that are rampant in places of power, and preserve the nation from the hands of evil men. We call this operation as ‘Honey Combing the Nation’.