Serve India Mission
At this point in time we in India have numerous Church Denominations and Missionary Societies emerging year after year. Their main constraint is not finance, nor personnel, but want of better communication tools and resources.
So to fill this gap SIM as an equipping ministry wants to specialize on raising media persons and or producing relevant and modern means of communications.
SIM strongly believes that unless the Church, the Mission and the Media are rightly bridged, reaching ‘All the Nations’ with the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ will never be made available.
Therefore being a creative strategy of God, SIM wants to make full use of all available media to achieve her objective, to promote the cause of Christ and His mission. There by, SIM will compliment both churches and Mission Agencies as a Resource Capital. Thus, Bridging missions and media to complete the remaining task of reaching India.
'I would like to see all the arts in the service of Him who made them’ –Martin Luther
Sending and Supporting cross-cultural missionaries (RajSevaks)
Inland Mission
It is harvest time in India, therefore sold out young people with a definite commitment to serve the Lord as ‘Rajsevaks’ will be carefully recruited and sent in teams of twelve people. Twelve such teams will be sent to the twelve states in India where the Christian presence is less than 1%. They will explore the land, interact with existing Churches and Missions. Establish Operation Base and Evolve winnable strategy to reach them with God’s love. After exploring the possibilities of further spear heading this operation, native missionaries will be recruited, trained and deployed in all these states to complete the task.
Beyond our Boundaries
SIM is equally concerned with reaching the Diaspora Indians who are displaced in different parts of the World. This we want to do in partnership with other like minded Indian and overseas missions. Tent Makers and Trans World Missionaries will be channelized simultaneously in twos as pioneers to countries where there are people of Indian origin (Diaspora Indians) and who live in reasonable numbers